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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

“it’s not only mine but also ours”: exploring collective psychological ownership in cooperative context

Published: May 27, 2020


Ons BELAID, Univeristy of Lyon; Sonia CAPELLI, University Lyon3, IAE lyon, Magellan, Lyon; William SABADIE, iaelyon School of Management


ownership; collective; housing


Investing in a housing cooperative is beginning to appeal by offering a desirable alternative. We propose that housing cooperative allows the arising of collective psychological ownership which has not yet been brought to the consumer research to understand if this collective sense exists in consumer context. Across an ethnography, and by comparing to cohousing system, the results allow us to highlight the existence of CPO in housing cooperative according to the three types of interactions taking up from organizational literature which include an interaction person to object, others to object and person to person, unlike the co-housings which are limited to IPO to their own places. Moreover, those inhabitants don’t recognize that other neighbors own this same building but still maintain a good relationships with them. In cohousing, inhabitants obviously fail to develop a collective sense of ownership.